Care Guide for Pins and Needles
1. General rule of needle size
The bigger the number the finer the sewing needle
2. Keep them in safe place
To avoid unnecessary search and damage, sharp needles and pins should be kept in safe places like a pin cushion or a small container. It's not only dangerous but it can also cause dullness or breakage of pins and needles when they fall on the floor.
3. Keep them sharp ( Embroidery needles & Pins )
Working with dull needle is stressful and slows down the sewing process. Sewing over pins while sewing on a sewing maschine could also cause the breakage or dullness to both pins and needles. It's worth sharpening your pins and needles once you notice the dullness. There are many ways to sharpen pins and needles using diferent items. Find items listed below and give it a try!
Thanks to the countless tutorial videos and blog articles from the experts which show you exactly how to do it, as well as great tips and infos you might need.
What you can use to sharpen your pins & needles
- Steal wool
- Soap bar
- Sewing machine oil
- Vegetable oil
- Emery board
4. As for Knitters's needles...
The points of knitters needles are specially made round, so that they don't catch the sensitive knitting yarns. Therefore the points should remain smoooth and round and there is usually no need to sharpen them. However, if the surface is damaged or scratched, you can try to use the same items mentioned above to smoothen the surface.
Always keep Knitter's needle in a safe place like a little box or a needle card place to avoid losing or the damage, as they are most likely too thick to stick on the pincushon.
See Hand sewing needles, Knitter's needles, & Glass head marking pins